Backtesting Algo Trading Strategies using Synthetic Data

In a couple of previous articles, we backtested and optimized a moving average crossover strategy for both Bitcoin and FX.

Now while backtesting on historical data is a key part of developing a trading strategy, it also has some limitations that are important to be aware of.

Firstly you have the issue that you usually have a limited amount of historical data. And even if you could obtain data going back as many years as you wanted, the relevance of older data is questionable. Also, when you have a finite amount of data, there’s always the problem of overfitting. This occurs when we optimize too much for the idiosyncrasies of one particular dataset, rather than trends and characteristics which are likely to be persistant.

And even if you had say, ten years of data, if there happened to be no GFC during those ten years you’d have no idea how the strategy would perform under that scenario. And what about scenarios that have never happened yet? A strategy that is perfectly optimized for historical data may not perform well in the future because there’s no guarantee that future asset and market behaviour will mimic past behaviour.

This is where backtesting using synthetic data comes in.

Synthetic data is data that is artificially generated. It can be generated so as to try to mimic certain properties of a real historical dataset, or it can be generated to test your strategy against hypothetical scenarios and asset behaviour not seen in the historical data.

Now the downside of backtesting using synthetic data is that it may not accurately depict the real behaviour of the asset. However, even real historical data may not be representative of future behaviour.

With synthetic data, one can generate any amount of data, say 100 years or even more. This means:

  • No problems with overfitting – you can generate an unlimited amount of data to test whether optimized parameters work in general or only on a specific piece of data.
  • The large amount of data should contain a wider range of possible data patterns to test your strategy on.
  • Mathematical optimization algorithms for finding optimal parameters work perfectly as they can work with smooth, noise free functions.
  • It’s easy to explore how properties of the data (eg, volatility) affect the optimal parameters. This can ultimately allow you to use adaptive parameters for your strategy, which change based on changing characteristics of the data such as volatility.
  • It allows you to test how robust your strategy is on hypothetical scenarios that might not have occurred in the historical data. For example, if you backtested your strategy on data with lower volatility, will it still be profitable if the asset volatility increases? Would your strategy be profitable (or at least minimize losses) during a market crash?

How to generate synthetic data

In general, when generating asset paths for stocks, cryptocurrencies or exchange rates, the starting point is geometric Brownian motion. For some applications you may wish to add random jumps to the Brownian motion, the timing of which can be generated from a Poisson process.

However, when generating synthetic data for backtesting purposes you will probably find that your strategy is completely ineffective when applied to geometric Brownian motion alone. This is because real asset price data contains non-random features such as trends, mean reversions, and other patterns which are exactly what algorithmic traders are looking for.

This means that we have add trend effects to our synthetic data. However, it does raise a significant issue: how do we know that the artificial trends and patterns we add to the data are representative of those present in real data?

What you’ll find is that the profitability of the strategy is largely determined by the relative magnitudes of the geometric motion and the trend term. If the trend is too strong, the strategy will be phenomenally profitable. Too weak, and the strategy will have nothing but random noise to work with.

We will not concern ourselves too much with generating highly natural or realistic data in the present article as our primary purpose here is to study how synthetic data can allow us to explore the behaviour of the strategy, and how its optimal parameters relate to the properties of the data.

We generate synthetic FX data using the code below. We assume the initial FX rate is S0 = 1, and volatility is 10%. Since, barring some kind of hyperinflation event, an exchange rate does not usually become unboundedly large or small, we add in some mean reversion that tends to bring it back to its original value.

While there are many ways of defining a trend, our trend is a value which starts at 0 and drifts randomly up or down due to it’s own geometric brownian motion. There is also a mean reversion term which tends to bring the trend back to 0. The trend value is added to the stock jump each time step.

def generate_path(S0, num_points, r, t_step, V, rand, rand_trend, mean, mean_reversion):
    S = S0*np.ones(num_points)
    trend = 0
    for i in range(1, len(S)):
        trend = trend + rand_trend[i-1]*S[i-1]/2000 - trend/10
        S[i] = mean_reversion*(mean - S[i-1]) + S[i-1]*np.exp((r - 0.5*V**2)*t_step + np.sqrt(t_step)*V*rand[i-1]) + 0.7*trend
    return S

# Generate synthetic data
S0 = 1
num_points = 50000
seed = 123
rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)

rand = rs.standard_normal(num_points-1)
rand_trend = rs.standard_normal(num_points-1)
t_step = 1/365
mean = 1
mean_reversion = 0.004
close = generate_path(S0, num_points, r, t_step, V, rand, rand_trend, mean, mean_reversion)

To get an idea of what our synthetic data looks like, below I’ve generated and plotted 1000 days of synthetic FX data.

Backtesting an FX moving average strategy on synthetic data

We generate 100,000 days of synthetic FX data and run our moving average backtesting script from the previous two articles.

Plotting 100,000 datapoints on a graph along with the short and long moving averages produces a seriously congested graph. However, we can see that the synthetic data does not stray too far from its initial value of 1. In fact, we could probably stand to relax the mean reversion a bit if it was realistic data we were after. The greatest variation from the initial value of 1 seems to be about 30% which is too low over such a long time period. Now the profitability of the strategy is not particularly meaningful here, since as mentioned it is largely determined the strength of the trend as compared to the Brownian motion that the user specifies. If the strategy is profitable, the profit will also be very high when the strategy is executed over 100,000 days.

What is interesting though, is to strengthen the trend of the data (say, changing 0.7*trend to 1*trend in the earlier code snippet) and plotting graphs of profitability vs parameter values. When backtesting against real historical data, we often found that the resulting graphs were noisy and multi-peaked, making it difficult to determine the optimal parameters. Using a much larger quantity of synthetic data with a strong trend, we find the graphs are clean and clear.

We can clearly see that the optimal values are alpha close to 1, say 0.975, threshold as small as possible, short days also very small and long days about 22.

What happens if we make the volatility of the data smaller by a factor of 3?

It seems the optimal alpha has reduced to about 0.9. Also, the optimal number of days used for the long term average has increased from low twenties to high twenties.

It’s unlikely you’d be able to extract this insight from backtesting on historical data. Firstly, you wouldn’t be able to adjust the volatility of the data on a whim, and the graphs would be too noisy to clearly see the relationship. What this example illustrates is that synthetic data can be used to study how various properties of the data affect the optimal parameters of the strategy. This could be used to create a strategy with “adaptive” parameters which change based on the most recent characteristics of the data, such as volatility. A very simple example of this would be increasing the number of days used in the long term average during periods of high volatility.

Testing stressed artificial scenarios

Another utility of synthetic data is the ability to generate particular scenarios on which to test your strategy. This might include periods of high volatility, steeply declining or rising data, or sudden jumps. To achieve this, one can generate some synthetic data using the method already described, and then manually adjust the data points to create a particular scenario. This will help you to understand what kind of data may “break” your strategy and how you might be able to adjust parameters, or add in additional conditional behaviour or fail safes.

Find out more about our algorithmic trading consulting services.

Python code

Below we include the python code used to generate the numbers and graphs in this article.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize

def generate_path(S0, num_points, r, t_step, V, rand, rand_trend, mean, mean_reversion):
    S = S0*np.ones(num_points)
    trend = 0
    for i in range(1, len(S)):
        trend = trend + rand_trend[i-1]*S[i-1]/2000 - trend/10
        S[i] = mean_reversion*(mean - S[i-1]) + S[i-1]*np.exp((r - 0.5*V**2)*t_step + np.sqrt(t_step)*V*rand[i-1]) + 0.7*trend
    return S

# Generate synthetic data
S0 = 1
num_points = 100000
seed = 123
rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)
rand = rs.standard_normal(num_points-1)
rand_trend = rs.standard_normal(num_points-1)
t_step = 1/365
mean = 1
mean_reversion = 0.004
close = generate_path(S0, num_points, r, t_step, V, rand, rand_trend, mean, mean_reversion)

def moving_avg(close, index, days, alpha):
    partial = days - np.floor(days)
    days = int(np.floor(days))
    weights = [alpha**i for i in range(days)]
    av_period = list(close[max(index - days + 1, 0): index+1])  

    if partial > 0:
        weights = [alpha**(days)*partial] + weights
        av_period = [close[max(index - days, 0)]] + av_period

    return np.average(av_period, weights=weights)

def calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold):
    strategy = [0]*(len(close) - start_offset)
    short = [0]*(len(close) - start_offset)
    long = [0]*(len(close) - start_offset)
    boughtorsold = 1   
    for i in range(0, len(close) - start_offset):   
        short[i] = moving_avg(close, i + start_offset, short_days, alpha)
        long[i] = moving_avg(close, i + start_offset, long_days, alpha)
        if short[i] >= long[i]*(1+threshold) and boughtorsold != 1:
            boughtorsold = 1
            strategy[i] = 1
        if short[i] <= long[i]*(1-threshold) and boughtorsold != -1:
            boughtorsold = -1
            strategy[i] = -1       
    return (strategy, short, long)
def price_strategy(strategy, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset):
    cash = 1/close[start_offset]  # Start with one unit of CCY2, converted into CCY1
    bought = 1
    for i in range(0, len(close) - start_offset):
        if strategy[i] == 1:
            cash = cash/close[i + start_offset]       
            bought = 1
        if strategy[i] == -1:   
            cash = cash*close[i + start_offset]           
            bought = -1    
    # Sell at end
    if bought == 1:
        cash = cash*close[-1]
    return cash
def graph_strategy(close, strategy, short, long, start_offset):
    x = list(range(0, len(close) - start_offset))
    plt.plot(x, close[start_offset:], label = "Synthetic FX data")
    plt.plot(x, short, label = "short_av")
    plt.plot(x, long, label = "long_av")
    buyidx = []
    sellidx = []
    for i in range(len(strategy)):
        if strategy[i] == 1:
        elif strategy[i] == -1:
    marker_height = (1+0.1)*min(close) - 0.1*max(close)
    plt.scatter(buyidx, [marker_height]*len(buyidx), label = "Buy", marker="|")
    plt.scatter(sellidx, [marker_height]*len(sellidx), label = "Sell", marker="|")
    plt.title('Moving average crossover')
    plt.legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 6})    

def plot_param(x, close, start_offset, param_index, param_values):
    profit = []
    x2 = x.copy()
    for value in param_values:
        x2[param_index] = value
        short_days = x2[0]
        long_days = x2[1]
        alpha = x2[2]
        threshold = x2[3]        
        (strat, short, long) =  calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold)
        profit.append(price_strategy(strat, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset) - 1)
    param_names = ["short_days", "long_days", "alpha", "threshold"]
    name = param_names[param_index]
    plt.title('Strategy profit vs ' + name)
    plt.plot(param_values, profit, label = "Profit")

def evaluate_params(x, close, start_offset):   
    short_days = x[0]
    long_days = x[1]
    alpha = x[2]
    threshold = x[3]
    (strat1, short, long) =  calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold)
    profit = price_strategy(strat1, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset)
    return -profit #Since we minimise

#Initial strategy parameters.
short_days = 5
long_days = 30
alpha = 0.99
start_offset = 100
threshold = 0.01

x = [short_days, long_days, alpha, threshold]

#Price strategy
(strat1, short, long) =  calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold)
profit = price_strategy(strat1, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset)
print("Strategy profit is: " + str(profit - 1))
print("Buy and hold profit is: " + str(close[-1]/close[start_offset] - 1))

#Graph strategy
graph_strategy(close, strat1, short, long, start_offset)

#Graph parameter dependence
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 2, np.arange(0.7, 1, 0.02))
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 3, np.arange(0.01, 0.1, 0.001))
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 0, np.arange(2, long_days, 2))
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 1, np.arange(short_days, 60, 2))

Algo Trading Forex – Backtesting and Optimizing an FX Moving Average Strategy

Our quant consulting service can help you backtest and optimize your moving average strategy. Find out more about our algorithmic trading consulting services and contact us today.

See also our article on backtesting an FX moving average strategy on synthetic data.

Some distinguishing characteristics of Forex trading, as opposed to stock trading, is 24 hour trading, virtually no limit on liquidity, and the potential for significant leverage on trades. These features are all fortuitous for an algorithmic approach to trading.

The crossing over of short and long term moving averages is a well-known signal used in algo trading. The idea is that when the short term average rises above the long term average, it could indicate the price is beginning to rise. Similarly, when the short term average falls below the long term average, it could indicate the price is beginning to fall.

In a previous article, we investigated backtesting a moving average crossover strategy on bitcoin. We found that our backtesting allowed us to pick optimal parameters for the strategy that very significantly improved its profitability, and resulted in a far higher return than simply buying and holding the asset.

In this article we conduct the same analysis on four currency pairs – GBPUSD, EURUSD, AURUSD and XAUUSD. Forex data going back to January 2001 has been sourced from forextester.

We assume that the trader initially converts one USD to the other currency, converts back and forth between the two currencies based on whether he believes the exchange rate is trending up or down, and converts back to USD at the end. The profit is compared against that of simply holding the non-USD currency for the entire time.

As before our strategy has four parameters to optimize: alpha, threshold, short days and long days.

  • short_days – The number of days used for the short term average
  • long_days – The number of days used for the long term average
  • alpha – This is a parameter used in the exponential moving average calculation which determines how much less weight is given to data further in the past. A value of 1 means all data gets the same weighting.
  • threshold – A threshold of 10% means that instead of executing when the two averages cross, we require that the short average pass the long average by 10%. The idea is to prevent repeatedly entering/exiting a trade if the price is jumping about near the crossover point.

We plot graphs showing the profit of the strategy for different values of each parameter. From these graphs, we choose optimal parameters for each currency pair. The full results, graphs and the python code used in this analysis are available below.


There are many pitfalls and caveats when doing this kind of optimization, and what seem like the optimal parameters should never be accepted naively. Things to keep in mind:

  • We are finding the optimal parameters on a particular piece of historical data. There is no guarantee that these parameters will be effective on future data which may differ in significant ways from historical data.
  • We have to be careful we are not “overfitting”, which occurs when we optimize too much for the idiosyncrasies of our particular dataset, rather than trends which are likely to persist. One way to guard against this is to split the data into pieces and perform the optimization on each piece. This gives an idea of how much variation to expect in the optimal parameters.

A question that arises in our set of graphs below, is how to choose parameters when the graph of profit against parameter value is noisy, multi-peaked or has highly unstable peaks (eg two close together parameters values that have radically different profitability).

We find different currency pairs exhibit differing optimal parameters. However, a critical question is how much of this variation is genuine, and can be expected to hold into the future, and how much is just noise in the data. However, generally speaking we find the following parameters are effective in most cases:

  • Alpha large, say 0.95
  • Threshold small – 0.01 or 0.02. This indicates that the threshold variable is often not useful and could perhaps be removed.
  • Short days between 30 and 60
  • Long days between 120 and 160

This information is certainly useful, and helps us to configure our moving average strategy much better than if we were merely guessing at, for example, how many days to take the long average over. It’s important to realise that even the most carefully optimized strategy can fail when conditions emerge that were not present in its historical backtesting dataset.

It’s worth noting that these optimal parameters differ from those we found for bitcoin. In that case, we found a long days parameter of just 35 and a short days parameter of just 10 were optimal. This probably reflects the much higher volatility of bitcoin as compared to Forex markets.

This article highlights some of the difficulties involved in backtesting strategies on historical data. One way to resolve many of these issues is to test and optimize your strategy on synthetic data. This will be the subject of a future article.



Strategy profit is: 0.2644639031872955
Buy and hold profit is: -0.23343631994507374

We find that the optimal alpha is about 0.95. The threshold graph displays a general downward trend so we choose threshold = 0.02. The short days graph displays a clear downward trend so we choose short_days = 30. The long days graph displays a peak at about 160. It’s not entirely clear whether or not this peak is simply an artifact of the particular dataset we are looking at. If we believed this, we might choose a value more like 300 since the graph displays a general upward trend. Regardless, we choose long_days = 160 in this case.

Using these values, our strategy has a profit of 0.26 USD, vs a loss of 0.23 USD from buying and holding GBP.

Another thing we can do here is guard against overfitting by splitting the dataset into two halves, repeat the process on each piece, and seeing whether the optimal parameters change much. Surprisingly, we find that the optimal parameters are about the same for both halves of the data. This will often not be the case, however.

First half:

Second half:


Strategy profit is: 0.9485592864080428
Buy and hold profit is: 0.086715457972943

We choose alpha = 0.95, threshold = 0.01, short_days = 30, long_days = 130.

Using these values, our strategy has a profit of 0.95 USD, vs a profit of 0.087 USD from buying and holding EUR.


Strategy profit is: 1.0978809301386634
Buy and hold profit is: 0.24194800155219265

From these graphs, it seems an optimal choice of parameters might be apha = 0.95, threshold = 0.01, short_days = 80, long_days = 125. Using these parameters are strategy returns 1.1 USD vs 0.24 USD for buy and hold. However, it’s also clear that the parameters alpha, short_days and long_days are highly unstable. The optimum occurs at a narrow peak, with relatively nearby parameter values giving dramatically lower performance.


Strategy profit is: 6.267892218264149
Buy and hold profit is: 4.984864864864865

We first try parameters of alpha = 0.85, threshold = 0.02, short_days = 60, long_days = 300. This results in a profit of 6.27 USD versus a buy and hold profit of 4.98 USD.

Interestingly, there is another optimum given by alpha = 0.95, threshold = 0.1, short_days = 60, long_days = 300.

Strategy profit is: 5.640074352374969
Buy and hold profit is: 4.984864864864865

The way the threshold and alpha graphs change when we change the base threshold and alpha shows the interdependence of the parameters.

Python code

The python code used in this analysis is made available below.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize

#data = pd.read_csv("GBPUSD.txt")
idx = 0
Name = Names[idx]
data = pd.read_csv(Name + ".txt")
#data = data.iloc[::-1] #reverses order of dates

# Filter for daily data only
data = data.drop_duplicates(subset=['<DTYYYYMMDD>'], keep='last')

close = np.array(data["<CLOSE>"])
#close = close[:3389]

def moving_avg(close, index, days, alpha):
    # float values allowed for days for use with optimization routines.
    partial = days - np.floor(days)
    days = int(np.floor(days))
    weights = [alpha**i for i in range(days)]
    av_period = list(close[max(index - days + 1, 0): index+1])  

    if partial > 0:
        weights = [alpha**(days)*partial] + weights
        av_period = [close[max(index - days, 0)]] + av_period

    return np.average(av_period, weights=weights)

def calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold):
    strategy = [0]*(len(close) - start_offset)
    short = [0]*(len(close) - start_offset)
    long = [0]*(len(close) - start_offset)
    boughtorsold = 1   
    for i in range(0, len(close) - start_offset):   
        short[i] = moving_avg(close, i + start_offset, short_days, alpha)
        long[i] = moving_avg(close, i + start_offset, long_days, alpha)
        if short[i] >= long[i]*(1+threshold) and boughtorsold != 1:
            boughtorsold = 1
            strategy[i] = 1
        if short[i] <= long[i]*(1-threshold) and boughtorsold != -1:
            boughtorsold = -1
            strategy[i] = -1       
    return (strategy, short, long)

def price_strategy(strategy, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset):
    cash = 1/close[start_offset]  # Start with one unit of CCY2, converted into CCY1
    bought = 1
    for i in range(0, len(close) - start_offset):
        if strategy[i] == 1:
            cash = cash/close[i + start_offset]       
            bought = 1
        if strategy[i] == -1:   
            cash = cash*close[i + start_offset]           
            bought = -1    
    # Sell at end
    if bought == 1:
        cash = cash*close[-1]
    #if bought == -1:
    #    cash = cash - close[-1]
    return cash
def graph_strategy(close, strategy, short, long, start_offset):
    x = list(range(0, len(close) - start_offset))
    plt.plot(x, close[start_offset:], label = Name)
    plt.plot(x, short, label = "short_av")
    plt.plot(x, long, label = "long_av")
    buyidx = []
    sellidx = []
    for i in range(len(strategy)):
        if strategy[i] == 1:
        elif strategy[i] == -1:
    marker_height = (1+0.1)*min(close) - 0.1*max(close)
    plt.scatter(buyidx, [marker_height]*len(buyidx), label = "Buy", marker="|")
    plt.scatter(sellidx, [marker_height]*len(sellidx), label = "Sell", marker="|")
    plt.title('Moving average crossover')

def plot_param(x, close, start_offset, param_index, param_values):
    profit = []
    x2 = x.copy()
    for value in param_values:
        x2[param_index] = value
        short_days = x2[0]
        long_days = x2[1]
        alpha = x2[2]
        threshold = x2[3]        
        (strat, short, long) =  calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold)
        profit.append(price_strategy(strat, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset) - 1)
    param_names = ["short_days", "long_days", "alpha", "threshold"]
    name = param_names[param_index]
    plt.title('Strategy profit vs ' + name)
    plt.plot(param_values, profit, label = "Profit")

def evaluate_params(x, close, start_offset):   
    short_days = x[0]
    long_days = x[1]
    alpha = x[2]
    threshold = x[3]
    (strat1, short, long) =  calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold)
    profit = price_strategy(strat1, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset)
    return -profit #Since we minimise

#Initial strategy parameters.
short_days = 30
long_days = 300
alpha = 0.95
start_offset = 300
threshold = 0.02#0.01

#short_days = 10marker_height
#long_days = 30
#alpha = 0.75
#alpha = 0.92
#threshold = 0.02

x = [short_days, long_days, alpha, threshold]

#Price strategy
(strat1, short, long) =  calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold)
profit = price_strategy(strat1, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset)
print("Strategy profit is: " + str(profit - 1))
print("Buy and hold profit is: " + str(close[-1]/close[start_offset] - 1))

#Graph strategy
graph_strategy(close, strat1, short, long, start_offset)

#Graph parameter dependence
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 2, np.arange(0.7, 1, 0.02))
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 3, np.arange(0.01, 0.1, 0.001))
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 0, np.arange(20, long_days, 10))
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 1, np.arange(short_days, 300, 10))

Backtesting and Optimizing a Bitcoin/Crypto Moving Average Crossover Algorithm on Binance Data

Our quant consulting service can help you backtest and optimize your moving average strategy. Find out more about our algorithmic trading consulting services and contact us today.

See also our article on backtesting a moving average strategy on synthetic data.

The crossing over of short and long term moving averages is a well-known signal used in algo trading. The idea is that when the short term average rises above the long term average, it could indicate the price is beginning to rise. Similarly, when the short term average falls below the long term average, it could indicate the price is beginning to fall. The Binance academy refers to these as the golden cross and death cross respectively. Moving averages can be applied to Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies as a strategy or one component of a strategy.

The moving average strategy has a number of parameters that need to be determined:

  • short_days – The number of days used for the short term average
  • long_days – The number of days used for the long term average
  • alpha – This is a parameter used in the exponential moving average calculation which determines how much less weight is given to data further in the past. A value of 1 means all data gets the same weighting.
  • threshold – A threshold of 10% means that instead of executing when the two averages cross, we require that the short average pass the long average by 10%. The idea is to prevent repeatedly entering/exiting a trade if the price is jumping about near the crossover point.

Of course, one can also consider combining moving averages with other signals/strategies like pairs trading to improve its effectiveness.

In this article we create python code to backtest a moving average crossover strategy on historical bitcoin spot data from Binance.

We grab the daily Binance BTCUSD close spot prices for the past 945 days here. The data ranges from September 2019 to April 2022. For our purposes we will ignore the complexities introduced by the order book, and assume there is always enough liquidity at the top of the book for the quantity we want to trade. This will likely be the case for individual investors trading their own money, for example. We will also ignore transaction costs, since these are usually negligible compared to price changes unless we are examining a high frequency strategy.

The full python code is included at the bottom of this post. It features the following functions:

  • moving_avg – This computes a moving average a number of days before a given index. The function was modifed to accept non-integer number of days in case it needed to work with an optimization algorithm.
  • calculate_strategy – This takes as input the strategy parameters and calculates where the strategy buys/sells.
  • price_strategy – This takes the strategy created by calculate_strategy and calculates the profit on this strategy on the current data.
  • graph_strategy – This generates a graph of the price data, along with the short and long term moving averages and indicators showing where the strategy buys/sells
  • plot_param – This plots profit as a function of one of the parameters to help gauge optimal values
  • evaluate_params – This is a reformating of the price_strategy function to make it work with optimization algorithms like scipy.optimize.

We assume that we always either hold or short bitcoin based on whether the strategy predicts that the price is likely to rise or fall. To begin, we choose some initial parameters more or less at random.

#Initial strategy parameters.
short_days = 15
long_days = 50
alpha = 1
start_offset = long_days
threshold = 0.05

Then we execute the code. this produces the following output. This means that using these parameters,

Strategy profit is: 31758.960000000006
Buy and hold profit is: 33115.64

This means that with these randomly chosen parameters, our strategy actually performs slightly worse than simply buying and holding. The code produces this graph which shows the bitcoin price, long and short averages, and markers down the bottom indicating where the strategy decided to buy and sell. It’s apparent that the strategy executes essentially where the orange and green lines crossover (although the threshold parameter mentioned earlier will affect this).

The code also produces the following graphs which show how the strategy profit varies with each parameter.

These graphs are quite “jumpy”, i.e. have a significant amount of noise. An attempt to find the optimal parameters using optimization algorithms would probably just “overfit” to the noise (or just get stuck at a local maximum). It’s clear that to deploy optimization algorithms to find the optimal parameters, you would probably need to apply some kind of multidimensional smoothing algorithm to create a smoother objective function. You could also attempt to use more data, however going back further means the data may become less relevant.

Instead, we proceed using visual inspection only. However, it’s important to realise that these parameters are potentially interdependent so one has to be careful optimizing them one at a time. We could consider looking at three dimensional graphs to get a better idea of what’s going on. From the first plot, it appears that an alpha of 0.92 is optimal. The threshold graph is very jumpy, but it appears as if the graph has an overall downward trend. Thus we choose the threshold to be a small value, say 0.02. The short averaging days graph also has a downward trend, so let’s make it something small like 10. The long averaging days graph indicates that the strategy performs poorly for smaller values. Let’s try making it 35. Now let’s run the code again with these new parameters.

Strategy profit is: 41372.97999999998
Buy and hold profit is: 33115.64

So our strategy is now more profitable than buy and hold, at 41.4k vs 33.1k.

Our optimized strategy has performed considerably better than our initial choice of parameters, and considerably better than buy and hold. But before we get excited, we have to consider the possibility that we have overfitted. That is, we have found parameters that perform exceptionally on this particular dataset, but may perform poorly on other datasets (particular future datasets). One way to explore this question is to break the data up into segments and run the code individually on each segment to see whether the optimal parameters disagree. Let’s try to 400 to 600 region from the graph first.

Strategy profit is: 32264.25
Buy and hold profit is: 17038.710000000003

In this region, the strategy is still dramatically more profitable than buy and hold, and an alpha of 0.75 still seems to be approximately optimal. Now let’s look at the region from 600 to 800 on the original graph.

Strategy profit is: 8708.76000000001
Buy and hold profit is: 10350.419999999998

In this region, the strategy actually performs worse than buy and hold (although the loss is massively outweighed by the profit from the 400 to 600 region). While an alpha of 0.75 still seems approximately optimal, the strategy doesn’t perform significantly better than buy and hold for any value of alpha.

Find out more about our algorithmic trading consulting services.

Also check out our article on statistical arbitrage / pairs trading of cryptocurrency.

Python code

Below is the full python code used to fit the strategy and create the graphs used in this article. The four parameters can be manually altered under “initial strategy parameters”.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize

data = pd.read_csv("Binance_BTCUSDT_d.csv")
data = data.iloc[::-1] #reverses order of dates
close = np.array(data.close)

def moving_avg(close, index, days, alpha):
    # float values allowed for days for use with optimization routines.
    partial = days - np.floor(days)
    days = int(np.floor(days))
    weights = [alpha**i for i in range(days)]
    av_period = list(close[max(index - days + 1, 0): index+1])  

    if partial > 0:
        weights = [alpha**(days)*partial] + weights
        av_period = [close[max(index - days, 0)]] + av_period
    return np.average(av_period, weights=weights)    

def calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold):
    strategy = [0]*(len(close) - start_offset)
    short = [0]*(len(close) - start_offset)
    long = [0]*(len(close) - start_offset)
    boughtorsold = 1   
    for i in range(0, len(close) - start_offset):   
        short[i] = moving_avg(close, i + start_offset, short_days, alpha)
        long[i] = moving_avg(close, i + start_offset, long_days, alpha)
        if short[i] >= long[i]*(1+threshold) and boughtorsold != 1:
            boughtorsold = 1
            strategy[i] = 1
        if short[i] <= long[i]*(1-threshold) and boughtorsold != -1:
                boughtorsold = -1
                strategy[i] = -1
    return (strategy, short, long)

def price_strategy(strategy, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset):
    cash = -close[start_offset]  # subtract initial purchase cost
    bought = 1
    for i in range(0, len(close) - start_offset):
        if strategy[i] == 1:
            # Note the factor of 2 is due to selling and shorting
            cash = cash - 2*close[i + start_offset]       
            bought = 1
        if strategy[i] == -1:   
            cash = cash + 2*close[i + start_offset]           
            bought = -1    
    # Sell at end
    if bought == 1:
        cash = cash + close[-1]
    if bought == -1:
        cash = cash - close[-1]
    return cash
def graph_strategy(close, strategy, short, long, start_offset):
    x = list(range(0, len(close) - start_offset))
    plt.plot(x, close[start_offset:], label = "BTCUSDT")
    plt.plot(x, short, label = "short_av")
    plt.plot(x, long, label = "long_av")
    buyidx = []
    sellidx = []
    for i in range(len(strategy)):
        if strategy[i] == 1:
        elif strategy[i] == -1:
    plt.scatter(buyidx, [0]*len(buyidx), label = "Buy", marker="|")
    plt.scatter(sellidx, [0]*len(sellidx), label = "Sell", marker="|")
    plt.title('Moving average crossover')

def plot_param(x, close, start_offset, param_index, param_values):
    profit = []
    x2 = x.copy()
    for value in param_values:
        x2[param_index] = value
        short_days = x2[0]
        long_days = x2[1]
        alpha = x2[2]
        threshold = x2[3]        
        (strat, short, long) =  calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold)
        profit.append(price_strategy(strat, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset))
    param_names = ["short_days", "long_days", "alpha", "threshold"]
    name = param_names[param_index]
    plt.title('Strategy profit vs ' + name)
    plt.plot(param_values, profit, label = "Profit")

def evaluate_params(x, close, start_offset):   
    short_days = x[0]
    long_days = x[1]
    alpha = x[2]
    threshold = x[3]
    (strat1, short, long) =  calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold)
    profit = price_strategy(strat1, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset)
    return -profit #Since we minimise

#Initial strategy parameters.
short_days = 15
long_days = 50
alpha = 1
start_offset = long_days
threshold = 0.05

#short_days = 10
#long_days = 30
#alpha = 0.75
#alpha = 0.92
#threshold = 0.02

x = [short_days, long_days, alpha, threshold]

#Price strategy
(strat1, short, long) =  calculate_strategy(close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset, threshold)
profit = price_strategy(strat1, close, short_days, long_days, alpha, start_offset)
print("Strategy profit is: " + str(profit))
print("Buy and hold profit is: " + str(close[-1] - close[start_offset]))

#Graph strategy
graph_strategy(close, strat1, short, long, start_offset)

#Graph parameter dependence
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 2, np.arange(0.7, 1, 0.02))
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 3, np.arange(0.01, 0.1, 0.001))
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 0, np.arange(5, long_days, 1))
plot_param(x, close, start_offset, 1, np.arange(short_days, 50, 1))

#x0 = [short_days, long_days, alpha, threshold]
#start_offset = 70

#bnds = ((1, start_offset), (1, start_offset), (0.001,1), (0,None))
#cons = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x:  x[1] - x[0]})

#result = minimize(evaluate_params, x0, args=(close, start_offset), bounds=bnds, constraints=cons, method='BFGS')
#evaluate_params(result.x, close, start_offset)

Algorithmic Trading on Interactive Brokers using Python

Consulting Services

Are you interested in developing an automated algorithm to trade on Interactive Brokers? Have a successful strategy already that you want automated in order to monitor a large number of data streams? Want your strategy backtested and optimized? We offer algorithmic trading consulting services for Interactive Brokers, including: algorithm implementation in python or C++, data analysis, backtesting and machine learning. Please get in touch to learn more!

About Interactive Brokers

Interactive Brokers is a large US-based brokerage firm dealing in stocks, ETFs, options, bonds and forex. Since 2021, it also offers cryptocurrency spot and futures trading.

Initial setup

Although Interactive Brokers also supports C#, C++, Java and VB, most people will probably prefer the convenience of python unless they are doing high frequency trading or their strategy is computationally demanding.

Of course, the first step is always to open an account with the broker which you can do here.

Getting setup to do algo trading on Interactive Brokers requires a few more steps than many other brokers. You’ll need to download and install their python API and their Trader Work Station app (TWS). The latter must be running in the background while you run your algo from your favourite python IDE.

After creating an ordinary account with Interactive Brokers, TWS gives you the option to log in with a paper trading account to allow you to test your algo code without making live trades. Paper accounts (otherwise known as test or demo accounts) usually have the limitation that the order book is not simulated, so they are useful for testing your code and learning how to use the API, but not always for evaluating the profitability of your strategy.

Before trying to connect using your python IDE, make sure “Enable ActiveX and Socket Clients” is ticked under File > Global Configuration > API > Settings.

Python initialization

The next step is to start reading IB’s API documentation to learn about the functionality.

These are some import statements you want at the beginning of your code:

from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper
from ibapi.contract import Contract
from ibapi.order import Order

And these statements will initialize the connection to the broker.

app = IBapi()
app.connect(‘’, 7497, 123)

The number 7497 is the socket port which can be found in the API settings in TWS mentioned above. The client ID can be an arbitrary positive integer. The EClientSocket class is used to send data to the TWS application, while the EWrapper interface is used to receive data from the TWS application.

Historical and streaming data

Using Interactive Broker’s API is slightly more complicated than for some other exchanges. As they explain in the API documentation here, the EWrapper interface needs to be implemented/overwritten by you to specify what should happen with data you request. So certain functions in the IBapi class will need to be implemented/overwritten to send the data where you want it to go. For example, to request historical data, I like to overwrite the historicalData function like this:

class IBapi(EWrapper, EClient):
def init(self):
EClient.init(self, self)
def historicalData(self, reqId, bar):

def grab_historical_data():
data = []
app.reqHistoricalData(1, eurusd_contract, ”, ’90 D’, ‘1 day’, ‘MIDPOINT’, 0, 2, False, [])
return data

This will grab daily price data for the last 90 days. It appears to use business days rather than calendar days. The interval of 90 days is calculated from the prior day’s close, so the last datapoint should be yesterday’s. Note that each day’s data contains open, close, high and low values. The variable eurusd_contract is actually a contract object which we’ll explain shortly.

If instead of getting historical data you wish to stream the latest price data as it becomes available, you want to overwrite the tickdata function use the function reqMktData as follows.

class IBapi(EWrapper, EClient):
def init(self):
EClient.init(self, self)
def tickPrice(self, reqId, tickType, price, attrib):
if tickType == 2 and reqId == 1:
print(‘The current ask price is: ‘, price)

latest_ask = []
app.reqMktData(1, eurusd_contract, ”, False, False, [])

The tickType of 2 here filters for the ask price. If you want bid, high or low you can use 1 ,6 and 7 respectively.

Creating contracts and placing orders

Contract objects specify the underlying for which you wish to obtain price data or place orders. They can be created as follows:

eurusd_contract = Contract()
eurusd_contract.symbol = ‘EUR’
eurusd_contract.secType = ‘CASH’ = ‘IDEALPRO’
eurusd_contract.currency = ‘USD’

In order to place an order on a given contract you must also create an order object, such as this:

eurusd_order = Order()
eurusd_order.action = ‘SELL’
eurusd_order.totalQuantity = 500
eurusd_order.orderType = ‘LMT’
eurusd_order.lmtPrice = ‘1.1389’

To place the order, you can use the placeOrder function:

app.placeOrder(1, eurusd_contract, eurusd_order)

The first number is an arbitrary integer used to ID the order.

Cryptocurrency Derivatives – Options and Futures

While cryptocurrency exchanges have been offering various kinds of delta one derivatives for a number of years now (such as perpetual futures), the availability of vanilla European call/put options (let alone more complex derivatives) is still nascent. Understandably, traders entering the crypto space would like access to the same tools that they are used to in more traditional and developed markets. Even Goldman Sachs is onboard with the development of a bitcoin options market. Yet, the high volatility of cryptocurrencies produces some unique challenges for the creation of derivatives markets.

See also our main article on cryptocurrency consulting services.

Perpetual futures contracts

Perpetual futures (also called perpetual swaps) on crypto underlyings like Bitcoin are a derivative product first offered by Bitmex and now offered by many cryptocurrency exchanges. Cryptocurrency exchanges typically offer them with up to 100x leverage. While they are similar in some ways to ordinary futures contracts, there are some significant differences.

Firstly, and giving rise to the name, they have no expiry and can instead be closed out at any time by the holder. They could also be closed out by the exchange if the holder gets liquidated, which we’ll discuss shortly.

Secondly there is a mechanism called the funding rate. In an ordinary futures market, the futures price is always related to the spot price. This is ensured by the fact that the futures price converges to the spot price as time approaches the expiry. Since a perpetual futures market has no expiries, this characteristic, if desired, must be created artificially. The funding rate is set by the exchange and is used to ensure the futures price does not diverge too far from the spot market. It is paid directly between market participants and not to the exchange. When the futures price is above the index price, the rate is positive, and traders long perpetual futures must pay the funding rate to those who are short. When the futures price is below the index price, the rate is negative, shorts must pay longs. Note that the index price here could be a weighted average of the spot price among multiple exchanges. In many cases the funding rate is paid every eight hours.

Bitmex also offers a so-called inverse perpetual futures contract.


The high volatility of cryptocurrencies combined with the high leverage offered by many exchanges creates challenges for the operation of margin accounts. Because of this, crypto exchanges tend to liquidate positions well before the participants actually run out of margin. If they are able to close out the position at better than the bankruptcy price, this extra money goes into an insurance fund. This is a buffer the exchange uses to ensure it is able to pay traders who have profited from price moves.

Options – calls and puts

Cryptocurrency exchanges are increasingly interested in branching out into options. While some exchanges already offer versions of European and American call/put options, other exchanges are rapidly trying to develop them. More exotic options such as barrier options and Asian options will presumably become common eventually.

It’s well-known that vanilla option prices increase with increasing volatility. This is because higher volatility means increased upside potential, yet the holder is protected from the increased downside risk by the optionality. Thus crypto options are expected to have considerably higher premiums than those on equity or FX markets.

As a few examples of the current options offerings of various exchanges:

  • Binance offers American options on BTCUSDT futures with expiries from ten minutes up to one day (note that USDT is a cryptocurrency with value tethered to the USD dollar). Binance offers only ATM call and put options, that is, there is only one available strike which is equal to the most recent traded perpetual futures price.
  • Deribit offers European options with a variety of strikes and one expiry per week.
  • Bitmex does not currently provide options, but is keen to develop this capability.

How to price cyptocurrency options

A reasonable starting point for pricing European options on cryptocurrencies is the Black-Scholes framework. In the case of American options, one can apply the binomial tree method. In either case, all of the pricing parameters such as spot and time to expiry are straight forward to determine except one – the volatility.

As is well-known, in developed options markets including equity, FX and interest rate options, the volatility is not really an input but is inferred from existing market prices. When calculated in this way, the volatility is inconsistent between options of differing strike and expiry, leading to a smile or volatility surface.

However, in the case of a nascent cryptocurrency options market, the market is unlikely to be sufficiently liquid, especially at the beginning, to obtain these market prices. In fact, many crypto exchanges do not allow options to be traded. Instead, the exchange functions as a market maker and simply sets the price itself.

Of course, one can always use an empirical calculation of historical volatility as a starting point, but a smile of some kind would need to be imposed upon it. One way to do this would be to start with the smile for an equity of FX rate which is believed to be in some sense similar to bitcoin, and scale it by a factor determined by taking the ratio of the equity ATM vol with the empirical volatility of the cryptocurrency.

Introductory Guides to Algorithmic Trading

Each exchange (or broker) provides slightly different services and features to traders wishing to automate their strategies as algos.

  • Some exchanges provide their own high-level trading language allowing people unfamiliar with conventional coding languages to implement and test simple algorithms. I don’t favor this approach as I would rather take advantage of the powerful features of a language like python.
  • Some exchanges provide a simple API key allowing you to interface with the exchange from you favorite language. Others require that you download additional software in order to interface (and authenticate) with the exchange.
  • Some exchanges provide a test account allowing you to test your code without having to risk money on live trades
  • Some exchanges do not allow customers to connect to their API unless they meet certain requirements. For example, TradeStation requires that your account have $10,000 of cash deposited before they will email you your API key. This is very bothersome if you initially intend to just develop and test your algorithm, and only invest your money at an appropriate time in the future.

Here we provide a few exchange specific guides, outlining how to get started interfacing with the exchange, grabbing price histories and posting buy/sell orders:

Algo Trading Crypto on Binance Using Python

Consulting Services

Are you interested in developing an automated algorithm to trade crypto on Binance? Have a successful strategy already that you want automated in order to monitor a large number of data streams 24/7? Want your strategy backtested and optimized? We offer algorithmic trading consulting services for spot, futures and option trading on Binance, including: trading bot implementation in python or C++, data analysis, backtesting and machine learning. Please get in touch to learn more!

About Binance

Binance is one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, offering:

  • Spot trading on around 100 digital currencies including Bitcoin and Ethereum
  • Up to 125x leverage on perpetual futures contracts
  • At the money American call and put options with 5 minute to 1 day expiries

Note that Binance has been banned by regulators in some countries such as the US and the UK due to concerns about the compliance of cryptocurrency exchanges with anti-money-laundering laws (competitor Bitmex is in a similar situation). Binance.US is an alternative which is designed to comply with US regulations.

Crypto exchanges are keen to develop cryptocurrency derivative products such as futures and European or American options. But keep in mind that some countries like Australia, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands only allow trading in spot, as they have banned derivatives including futures, options and leverage. Regulators are concerned that retail investors may be unaware of the risk involved in derivative products given the high volatility of cryptocurrencies.

Initial setup

Since Cryptocurrency markets do not close overnight, algorithmic trading using a crypto bot is the only way to monitor your positions 24/7.

First you need to make sure you have an installation of python. I recommend downloading the Anaconda distribution which comes with the Spyder IDE. In addition, you’ll want the python library python-binance, which can be obtained by opening an anaconda prompt from the start menu and typing

pip install python-binance

In addition, an API key is needed to give your installation of python permission to trade on your binance account. After creating a Binance account, simply go to the profile icon in the top right corner and click “API Management”. Then just place these lines at the top of your python code:

from binance import Client, ThreadedWebsocketManager, ThreadedDepthCacheManager

client = Client(API Key, Secret Key)

Here, API Key and Secret Key are of course the two keys you obtained from Binance.

Backtesting data

Binance market data for backtesting purposes can be downloaded here. Spot and futures data are available with three file types as shown below. As the raw data comes without headers, I’ve included screenshots below showing the headers for convenience.




Basic commands to get you started

From there, one can start reading the Binance API to start learning basic commands.

To get the current price of BTCUSDT you can use

Out: {‘symbol’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘price’: ‘51096.07000000’}

If you want to receive an updated price only when it has changed, you can stream prices by creating a threaded websocket manager. The function “update_price” defines what to do whenever some new information “info” is received from the exchange. In this case it appends it onto a vector of historical prices and prints it out to the console.

def update_price(info):
btc_latest = {}
btc_latest[‘last’] = info[‘c’]
btc_latest[‘bid’] = info[‘b’]
btc_latest[‘ask’] = info[‘a’]

twm = ThreadedWebsocketManager()
twm.start_symbol_ticker_socket(callback=update_price, symbol=’BTCUSDT’)

To buy/sell, simply use client.create_order:

order = client.create_order(

Market Making Algorithms and Models

Our PhD quant consulting service can canvass the academic literature on market making models for you, and help you design, backtest and optimize your strategy. Contact us to let us know how we can supercharge your trading.

A market maker provides liquidity to the market by standing ready to both buy and sell an asset at stated bid and ask prices. They are common for both Forex markets and stock exchanges, and there are even many firms acting as market makers for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The value of market making to traders is that they are able to execute trades immediately, rather than having to wait for a matching order to appear. In exchange, the market maker generates a profit by setting an appropriate spread between the bid and ask prices. A market making algorithm must determine appropriate bid and ask prices to maximise profits. There are two trade offs that a market maker must consider when trying to achieve optimal market behaviour.

Firstly, there is a trade off between volume and margin. If the market maker’s bid ask spread is too conservative, few of his trades will be fulfilled. On the other hand, if his spread is too aggressive, many trades will be fulfilled but he will make very little money from each trade. So the bid ask spread must be sufficiently attractive to other market participants while still remaining profitable for the market maker.

Secondly, while market makers can profit from the bid ask spread, they are exposed to risk due to price changes on the inventory of the asset that they must hold. If the price drops, the inventory may have to be sold at less than it was acquired for. The market maker must therefore design a quoting algorithm which optimally sets bid and ask prices to generate a profit, while also minimising inventory risk. A market maker may hope to buy and sell in approximately equal quantities to avoid accumulating a large inventory. Market making algorithms are relevant not just to genuine market makers, but to any market participant that both buys and sells an asset. One mechanism a market making algorithm can use to reduce inventory risk is to provide more conservative bid estimates when it is already long a significant inventory.

Market making strategies differ from more general trading strategies in that the latter may take on a large position based on some view of the direction the market will move in, while the market maker attempts to avoid this risky bet as much as possible.

See also our pages on optimal execution algorithms and algorithmic trading consulting services.

The Avellaneda-Stoikov model

The Avellaneda-Stoikov model is a simple market making model that can be solved for the bid and ask quotes the market maker should post at each time \(t\).

We consider the case of a market maker on a single asset with price trajectory \(S_t\) evolving under brownian motion

\[ dS_t = \sigma dW_t.\]

While this implies a normally distributed price rather than lognormally distributed, the difference is not significant over small time horizons where \(S_t\) does not move too much from its original value.

Let \(S_t^b\) and \(S_t^a\) represent the bid and ask quotes of the market maker at time \(t\), and let \(N_t^b\) and \(N_t^a\) represent the total number of market participants who have bought and sold from the market maker respectively. The model assumes that buyers arrive to purchase from the market maker at random, with an average frequency that decreases as the bid price \(S_t^b\) drops further below \(S_t\). Similarly, the frequency at which sellers arrive to sell to the market maker arrive with an average frequency that decreases as the ask price \(S_t^a\) rises further above \(S_t\). This means that the more conservatively the market maker sets his bid and ask quotes, the less likely he is to make trades.

Furthermore, the model assumes that the market maker must keep his inventory \(q_t\) between some values \(-Q\) and \(Q\). He does this by not posting a bid quote when his inventory reaches \(Q\), and similarly for an ask quote.

For simplicity, the model assumes that each buyer purchases exactly one unit. Since the market maker earns \(S_t^a\) whenever a buyer arrives, and spends \(S_t^b\) whenever a seller arrives, his cash account satisfies the equation

\[dX_t = S_t^a dN_t^a – S_t^b dN_t^b.\]

We assume that the market maker wishes to optimize his behavior over some time interval \([0,T]\). We want to find functions of time \(S_t^b\) and \(S_t^a\) which maximise the expected value of his final holdings of cash and inventory

\[X_T + q_TS_T.\]

However, in such problems it is also typical to penalise the variance of this quantity in the optimization to factor in risk aversion. One can optimize such a function using stochastic control theory. For the exact form of the solutions and for more details see The Financial Mathematics of Market Liquidity by Gueant.

Optimal Liquidation Algorithms – the Almgren-Chriss Model

Unwinding or liquidating a position is a trade off. Liquidate too quickly and you may suffer price slippage as the market order walks the book. Liquidate too slowly with more conservative limit orders, and you are exposed to the risk of adverse price moves. The concept of splitting a large order into a number of smaller orders to be executed over a certain time period is well-known to traders. Exchanges and many other market participants are therefore motivated to develop liquidation algorithms which behave optimally. In this post we’ll discuss the Almgren-Chriss model. For more details consult The Financial Mathematics of Market Liquidity by Gueant.

We assume a trader wants to unwind \(q_0\) trades in a time interval \([0,T]\). Writing \(q_t\) for the trader’s inventory at time \(t\), we write

\[dq_t = v_t dt, \]

where \(v_t < 0\) is the rate of liquidation. If the trades were exercised in a finite number of discrete blocks, then \(v_t\) would be a sum of delta functions, for example. The mid price of the stock is modelled as

\[ dS_t = \sigma dW_t + kv_t dt\]

for \(k>0\). The first term is simply Brownian motion, although note that the decision is made for simplicity to assume a normally distributed price instead of the usual lognormally distributed price. The second term means that the price drops by an amount proportional to the number of stocks our trader executes. This is the permanent market impact.

But the most significant equation here is the equation representing how the rate of liquidation \(v_t\) affects the price obtained for the shares. This is the instantaneous part of the market impact, which in the model has no permanent impact on the market price. We assume that the price obtained for the shares executed at time \(t\) is

\[S_t + g\left(\frac{v_t}{V_t}\right),\]

where \(V_t\) represents the total market volume and \(g<0\) when \(v_t < 0\). The choice of increasing function \(g\) is actually the key to the model. It quantifies how much worse the average price obtained for the shares trades at time \(t\) is when the rate of liquidation \(v_t\) is higher (i.e. more negative). The original model of Almgren and Chriss chose the function $g$ to be linear. This means that if the trader liquidates twice as many shares at time \(t\), the average price obtained for those shares will be twice as far from the mid price. The cash earnt by the trader is then simply the number of shares liquidated multiplied by the average price obtained, i.e.

\[dX_t = – v_t\left( S_t + g\left(\frac{v_t}{V_t}\right) \right) dt.\]

If the midprice were assumed to be close to constant over time, the optimal strategy would be to liquidate as slowly as possible. This would mean that the shares would all be sold at close to the mid price. However, liquidators are not only unwilling to wait forever, but also typically wish to liquidate the portfolio at close to the current market price. Liquidating over a longer time interval means that the price may fluctuate away from the current price. Some kind of “risk appetite” consideration must therefore be included in the model.

This requirement is not actually encoded in the differential equation for \(X_t\) above. Rather, it is encoded in the quantity we wish to optimize. The way this is done is to not simply optimize the final cash holding \(X_T\), but also to penalise its variance. This can be done by choosing the function to be optimized as something like \(\mathbb{E}(X_T) – \frac{\gamma}{2} \mathbb{V}(X_T)\) or \(\mathbb{E}(-e^{- \gamma X_T})\), for some constant \(\gamma > 0\). How much one penalises variance by choosing \(\gamma\) is essentially an arbitrary decision in the model. Of course, longer trading horizons give rise to more variance in \(X_T\) because \(S_t\) becomes less predictable when allowed more time to drift. Thus this parameter will determine the rate of liquidation based on risk appetite.

Finding the optimal trading strategy \(q(t)\) is a variational problem which requires minimising the function

\[J(q) = \int_0^T{\left(V_tL\left(\frac{q'(t)}{V_t}\right) + \frac{1}{2} \gamma \sigma^2 q(t)^2\right)dt},\]

where \(L(\rho) = \rho g(\rho) \).

Gueant also discusses several extensions of the model, including:

  • Incorporating a drift term into the equation for the evolution of the stock price to allow the trader an opinion on the future trajectory of the stock
  • Placing a lower and/or upper bound on the liquidation rate
  • Considering the liquidation of portfolios of multiple stocks

The Almgren-Chriss model implemented in practice

If you attempted to implement the Almgren-Chriss model in practice, there are a number of issues that would arise. In particular, you would need to specify the parameters of the model, which may be difficult to determine.

The first is the shape of the market impact function, which represents the manner in which the price moves as you execute a certain volume of the asset. A simple assumption is a linear market impact function. However, it depends on the structure of the order book, which could take many different shapes, and may change over time. If you have access to the order book data, you could investigate whether the order book shape is sufficiently constant over time to warrant doing some kind of backtest/fitting. But your execution strategy would cease to be optimal if the shape of the order book deviated from your assumptions. And if you don’t have access to the order book data, this is going to be much harder.

The second is the risk appetite parameter, or how much one penalizes the variance in the final PnL. There are two competing factors in the optimal solution. First, the slower you liquidate the better the price you get. Second, the slower you liquidate the more likely the price will move. It’s pretty much arbitrary how to choose to balance these two competing factors. And, of course, there may be other reasons why you need to liquidate your entire inventory within a certain amount of time, regardless.

The third is your view on the likely future movement of the asset. Clearly, this will have a profound impact on your execution strategy. For example, if you believed the price was going to drop significantly soon, you’d want to use a high rate of liquidation to make sure you had liquidated your inventory before the asset drops too much. But if you had no view on the future asset trajectory, you could neglect this issue.

And finally, something not considered in the model is the need to make sure your execution strategy is unpredictable so other market participants can’t anticipate your trades. A predictable rate of execution is a great way to get taken advantage of.

Despite the above, studying this model is a very great way to clarify your thinking before designing your own execution strategy that suits your own specific application.

Volatility smoothing algorithms to remove arbitrage from volatility surfaces

Need help building a volatility smoothing algorithm? Our quant consulting service can help. Contact us today.

See also our article on generating volatility surfaces from options data in C++.

Implied volatility surfaces and smiles constructed by fitting a cubic spline to raw market data may contain arbitrage. In fact, even if the market data points used do not contain arbitrage, cubic interpolation between data points may introduce it. It is therefore usually desirable to find the best fit of a cubic spline to the data points, under the restriction that the result be arbitrage free. Unlike the basic interpolation approach, the spline need not pass through the data points. This is called volatility smoothing.

There are two kinds of arbitrage on volatility surfaces that we need to guard against:

  • Calendar arbitrage. This is where the volatility surface allows a European option with a shorter maturity to be more valuable than an option with a longer maturity, which is impossible (in the absence of dividends). A simple way to see this is to notice that a longer duration has the same effect as a higher volatility, as it gives the volatility more time to act. It’s well-known that higher volatility increases (rather than decreases) the value of the option since it increases the upside but not the downside (since the holder is protected from downside by the strike).
  • Butterfly arbitrage. In the strike direction, it’s clear that the price of a call must decrease as the strike increases (more precisely, the first derivative of call price with respect to strike must be less than or equal to zero, with the opposite true for puts). Furthermore, the call price function must be convex, meaning that the second derivative with respect to strike is greater than or equal to zero. To see this, consider selling two calls at strike \(K\), and buying two calls, one at a strike slightly below \(K\), and one at a strike slightly above \(K\). The value of this position is given by the below expression, where \(C\) represents the call price function. It’s easy to see that the payoff at maturity of this position is non-negative. It has value 0 if \(S(T) < K-\Delta K\) or \(S(T) > K+\Delta K\), and positive value otherwise (easy to see by plotting the payoff). By dividing by \(\Delta K\) and taking the limit as \(\Delta K \to 0\), we see that the second derivative must be non-negative.

\[ C(K-\Delta K) – 2C(K) + C(K+\Delta K)\]

\[ = ( C(K+\Delta K – C(K))) – (C(K-\Delta K) – C(K))\]

We recommend the approach of M.R Fengler in his paper Arbitrage-Free Smoothing of the Implied Volatility Surface. Instead of fitting a spline to the graph of volatility vs moneyness, Fengler uses call price vs moneyness. An advantage of this is that the no arbitrage restrictions take on a more simple form in terms of call price.

The surface fitting is done using a least squares fitting, with a number of constraints. The heart of the algorithm is therefore a constrained quadratic optimization procedure. In python, this can be achieved using scipy.optimize.minimise with the parameter method=’SLSQP’. The mathematical difficulty is mainly around understanding the constraints and implementing them accurately.

We’ve implemented Fengler’s algorithm in python. The algorithm runs very quickly on a single vol surface. However, since historical volatility data has, for each date, a large number of vol surfaces (one for each tenor), the number of surfaces to be processed can easily proliferate into the millions. In this case one may wish to consider a C++ implementation or at least a multicore implementation in python.

To illustrate the algorithm, we start with 8 pillar points (moneyness/volatility pairs) which make up the raw data of a vol surface. We’ve deliberately chosen data which contains significant arbitrage. We’ve calculated the Black-Scholes call prices corresponding to these points and plotted them as the blue dots in the below graph.

The orange line is the arbitrage free cubic spline generated by our implementation of Fengler’s approach. You can see that it very effectively solves the problem of the out of place at-the-money data point which is entirely inconsistent with an arbitrage free surface.

We can also convert the call prices back to implied volatilities, yielding the following graph. For this graph, we have simply joined the data points by straight lines for illustration purposes.

We found we had to make one addition to Fengler’s approach as described in his paper. Fengler considers a set of weights for each data point in the fitting. We found we had to weight each data point by 1/vega to achieve an accurate result. This is because at the wings of the volatility surface, where vega is very small, a small change in call price corresponds to a huge change in volatility. This means that when converting the fitted call prices back to volatilities, the surface will otherwise be a very poor fit in the wings.

Fengler’s paper is not limited to one dimensional volatility surfaces (that is, smiles). It can also be used for two dimensional volatility surfaces which incorporate both moneyness and maturity. His paper details how to extend the method to include maturity.

We provide volatility smoothing consulting, along with a wide range of quantitative finance consulting services.

You may also wish to check out our article on converting volatility surfaces between moneyness and delta.